March 5, 2013

Stuff I Like(d)- February

Stuff I'm Listening To:

Stuff I'm Hoping to Read:

Stuff To Do This Weekend:

If we get some more snow and colder weather.
Come on Winter, I haven't even used my new snowshoes yet!!

Stuff I Need:

Backsplash behind stove

Sink Wall

Stuff I Want (disclaimer- p.s. not begging for stuff, just fantasy shopping):

Gave it to everyone for Christmas but myself :)
(OOOH, Thanks Ellen, Joe & Grace for my early b-day present!!!)

(I know Geodes are totally played out and overexposed, but I've been bugging J for a few years and he said we had to wait until the house wasn't under construction... well?  We have lots of rocks we've collected on different adventures and i really want a few big geodes to put on the hearth.)

(Noise cancelling headphones- I think I can count these as a "medical expense" ;))

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