November 13, 2009

Weekend Schedule- Updated

We have a super busy weekend ahead, so much so that I am considering drinking some pop tonight to get an extra burst of energy.

Friday night:

1) Pizza??  Test Wooglin's? Perhaps Il Vicino? (Seems like a great idea) Luigi's on South Tejon-- after driving by this a million times since we moved, we thought it would be a good idea to check it out. Short wait, great table by the fireplace, yummy pizza and unlimited Dr. Pepper...yes!!
2) Clean up the million of piles around the house (ok, probably just bedroom, bathroom, closet-room) FAIL
3) Wear pajamas DONE

1) Paint, paint, paint (no slacking this weekend!)  Cleaned up tons of crap throughout the house, now it seems like we really live there!
2) Have friends over for grilled meat  Snow ruined these plans.
3) Use Bristol Brewery gift certificate (been keeping since 12/08 for a special occasion) Big check mark...met Benny, A&J there for a quick game of shuffleboard (I don't know if it's called that if it's on a table??) and a beer before the RD festivities.
4) ROLLER DERBY at the City Auditorium with Jon, Benny, Eddie, A&J Fun, but not a crazy as last time!

1) Jon's hitting the slopes at A-Basin Lots of snow, tested A-Basin, but ended up at Keysone for a BIG fall and $1 tacos.
2) Girls over for champagne & pastries brunch at the house?? (no dining table yet!!) change of plans, pj's, and online TV
3) Make Carmel Apples FAIL-  need to accomplish this week before Jon eats all the carmels!!
4) Relax & watch Project Runway online Awww, yeah...


What are your plans for the weekend?

Hopefully, some fun updates Monday :)


Haley said...

so far...
Worked out
-Ate pasta and italian sausages while watching Modern Family
-Drank a beer
-Went for a walk around town
-Eating ben and jerry's -goodbye yellow brick road
Tomorrow and Sunday...

Mom said...

Tried to rent a movie-we didn't recognize any movie titles-well very few and decided we were too tired to stay up and watch one-
Read-didn't sleep well
Dad on couch, Mom downstairs trying to get some rest!
Painted, varnished,listened to the Badger game 45-24 over Michigan, trucked, made granola, computered

Abbie said...

Sounds about like my weekends-- loads of stuff to do, and I end up in my pjs! :)