November 29, 2009

Sick, sick, sick... and an awesome headboard!

Since I was sick all weekend, including being in bed all day Thursday and Friday, I have made little progress on the painting.  I'm working on a list to motivate us to get some real progress done before we leave for our Christmas trip to Wisconsin. 

In the meantime, here's a headboard that I'm dying to add to my bedroom!  I need to get some color going so Jon will quit asking why everything is white :)

Oh, and thanks to Haley for the new header!! Still working out some other tweaks to the format.


Anonymous said...

I bet you can find some awesome fabric at IKEA that would do this. Will you move the bed or can it fit under the windows?

Sara @ Russet Street Reno said...

Thanks for visiting my blog today! I can't wait to see what you do with your home. That headboard is stunning, go for it!

Abbie said...

I have always drooled over this headboard. LOVE IT!! If you make it, then I will live vicariously through you.