I have been hoarding this rug since last April when Haley came to visit. After we ripped out the carpet and cleaned up the hardwoods, we laid it out and realized that the original rug purchased was HUGE, it covered the entire floor and and extended up the walls on either end! J said it made his eyes unable to focus... After the kitchen was completed, we gathered up all of the returns and planned a trip to exchange the rug and return all the construction extras. By then something crazy happened, the rug was no longer listed on the IKEA website, then rumors that it had been "obsoleted". I even started to look for other similar style rugs...
The morning I loaded up, J convinced me to take the rug "just in case". Good idea, J!
When I walked into to the Centennial store, there was a miracle- not only was the display rug hanging up, but two, brand-new rugs were available, as well and in the right size! I returned the WAY-too-big rug and bought the smaller size. I was really happy because I love this rug, but Kitty loves it even more! He had a little freak out ;)
Chino approves too!
But I like it the MOST! (I know this off center, but the table is lined up with the kitchen opening.)
Almost exactly how I pictured the Dining Room when we moved in.
Too bad it had to be the construction zone for the past three years...
Every dinner is candlelight when you demo-ed out the the only light switch :)
Maybe we'll get some installed lights in here soon...(birthday surprise-J?)
finish wiring updates
install lights/ light switch
order/install blind
- decide on a pendant (or two?) for over the table