February 1, 2012

Busy January...

This little doggie decided to treat himself to a jar of wood putty that was sealed, wrapped in an additional plastic bag and stored temporarily in the basement in Jon's workshop area.  He had to come in early this morning and without a treat because he was having a rather loud barking conversation with another dog down the street.  Within five minutes he found the "special treat" and brought it up to his bed to enjoy.  I was racing around getting ready for work and happened to notice a funny smell...which prompted me to totally freak out and stick half my arm down his throat to see if he had eaten any and smell his breath and call J frantically and try to force him to drink a bunch of water.  Always a nice way to start the day!
 Speaking of wood putty... Jon decided it was high time that he got this window trim painted.  We have enjoyed the extra window coverage provided by the painter's tape for the last four months... 
Didn't want to rush things you know ;)
It looks awesome (and MUCH bigger)!!

 We renewed our CSA from Venetucci Farm this week.  We are still eating potatoes, carrots, onions and much more harvested last September! Selected the Choice plan this year and are looking forward to delicious veggies and fruit as well as farm raised beef and pork.  Mmm bacon!!

This is finally happening!! Great news for the historic school and for the Ivywild neighborhood
Photo c/o Gazette

Jim Fennell (left), Mike Bristol (middle) and Joe Coleman are now schoolmates. - Courtesy the Fennell Group
Hey, I know those guys...  So, so, so excited!!
photo c/o COS INDY